English reinforced Classic French, German, English

Pre-gymnasium education (in preparation for the Gymnasium) is compliant with the Francophone Swiss Study Plan (PER -Plan d'Etudes Romand) and the digital Plan (PER Numérique -Plan d'Etudes Romand, Education Numérique).

At the end of year 11, students reach A2 in German and A2-B1 in English.


Year 11 at Ecole moser


Diploma studied: Classic Maturité

In year 11, depending on their linguistic profile, ambitions and results, students can begin a gymnasium course of study. Semester 1 marks the end of compulsory schooling and semester 2 introduces the Maturité programme.

The student chooses their mathematics level (normal or higher) and then their art subject at the end of the year (visual arts or music).

For students studying the specific option of Science, semester 1 introduces the options Physics & Application of Mathematics and Biochemistry. Students make a final decision in semester 2.

Following year

Recommended course of study:




Distribution of teaching languages

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In French
  • French : 5
  • Mathematics (normal and higher) : 5
  • History : 2
  • Chemistry : 2
  • Biology : 2
  • Physics : 2
  • Visual Arts : 2
  • Sport : 2
  • Classroom Exchange Time (TEC) : 0.5
  • Digital Science and Ethics : 0.5
In German
(standard and advanced)
  • German : 4
In English
(standard and advanced)
  • English : 4
Specific Option

Option chosen at the end of year 9 : 4
Specific option to be chosen among :
Latin, Spanish, Science, Economics

Specific Option

To be chosen from Physics & Application of Mathematics or Biochemistry

Registration information

contact us

+41 22 593 88 88