Bilingual English Swiss Maturité

Maturité exams take place in Lausanne, Fribourg or Neuchâtel at the end of January.


Swiss Maturité, Bilingual English

In S1, the second semester of Gymnasium, students continue with the choices made in the preparatory semester (S2 of year 11) – Specific Option, Visual Arts or Music, normal or higher level in Mathematics.

It offers an introduction to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Students can decide whether to opt for the double diploma at the end of S2. 

Students can also choose the normal or higher level in English and/or German at the end of the semester.

Students studying visual arts must choose two of the three topics subject to examination (colouring, observation, image analysis).

Next semester

Distribution of
teaching languages

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In English
  • English (normal and higher) : 4
  • History : 4
  • Geography : 4
In French
  • French : 5
  • Mathematics : 4
  • Biology : 2
  • Chemistry : 2
  • Physics : 2
  • Visual Arts/ Music : 2
  • Cross-curriculum French : 1
In German
  • German (normal and higher) : 4
Specific Option
  • Subject chosen in year 11 : 4
    Specific Option to be chosen among : Latin, Spanish, Science, Economics&Law


Swiss Maturité, Bilingual English

In S2, the third semester of Gymnasium, students continue with the choices made in S1.

Emphasis is placed on the subjects that make up the first end-of-term Maturité exams taken at the end of S3 (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, Visual Arts/Music).

Next semester

Distribution of
teaching languages

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In English
  • English (normal or higher) : 2 or 4
  • History : 4
  • Geography : 4
In French
  • French : 2
  • Mathematics (normal or higher) : 4 or 6
  • Biology : 4
  • Chemistry : 4
  • Physics : 4
  • Visual Arts/Music : 2
In German
  • German (normal or higher) : 2 or 4
Specific Option
  • Subject chosen in year 11 : 4


Swiss Maturité, Bilingual English

In S3, the fourth semester of Gymnasium, the focus remains on the subjects that make up the first end-of-term Maturité exams.

This semester also prepares students for university education by introducing lectures in the auditorium and multidisciplinary group work sessions, monitored by a qualified tutor.

Written tests (Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Geography) and oral tests (History, Visual Arts/Music) are taken at the end of January.

Next semester

Distribution of
teaching languages:

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In English
  • English (normal or higher) : 2 or 4
  • History : 4
  • Geography : 4
In French
  • French : 2
  • Mathematics (normal or higher) : 2 or 4
  • Biology : 4
  • Chemistry : 4
  • Physics : 6
  • Visual Arts/ Music : 2
In German
  • German (normal or higher) : 2 or 4
Specific Option
  • Subject chosen in year 11 : 4


Swiss Maturité, Bilingual English

In S4, the fifth semester of Gymnasium, students focus on the subjects that make up the second end-of-year Maturité exams taken at the end of S5 (French, German, English, Mathematics, Specific Option, Complementary Option = Philosophy, Maturité Project).  

Preparation for university education is intensified in this semester with classes given in the auditorium. This helps familiarise students with active listening, note-taking and public speaking while continuing with multidisciplinary group work sessions, monitored by a qualified tutor.

Next semester

Distribution of
teaching languages

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In English
  • English (higher) : 6
  • Complementary Option : Philosophy : 4
In French
  • French : 6
  • Mathematics (normal or higher) : 8
In German
  • German : 6
Maturité Project
(English, French or German)

Maturité Project : 2

Specific Option 
  • Subject chosen in year 11 : 6


Swiss Maturité, Bilingual English

S5, the final semester of Gymnasium, remains focused on the subjects included in the second end-of-year Maturité exams.

Written tests (French, German, English, Mathematics, Specific Option) and oral tests (French, German, English, Mathematics, Specific Option, Complementary Option of Philosophy) are taken at the end of January in Lausanne.

Students finalise their Maturité Projects. Students prepare a 10-page essay and present it before a panel; students are free to choose the topic of their Maturité Project, but it must be linked to a Maturité subject. The language it is written in (German, French, English) depends on the subject in question.  

Following year

Preparing your future
after graduating at Ecole Moser

Our orientation service provides students with information about university programmes in Switzerland, England and the United States, as well as gap years (language courses, internships, volunteering, trips, etc.) in Switzerland and abroad.

Distribution of
teaching languages

The figures indicate the number of 45-minute periods per week.

In English
  • English (higher) : 6
  • Complementary Option: Philosophy : 5
In French
  • French : 6
  • Mathematics (normal or higher) : 8
In German
  • German : 6
Maturité Project
(English, French or German)
  • Maturité Project : 1
Specific Option
  • Subject chosen in year 11 : 6

Registration information

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