Multilingual Education Year 8 French, German and English reinforced

Primary education is compliant with the Francophone Swiss Study Plan (PER -Plan d'Etudes Romand) and the digital Plan (PER Numérique -Plan d'Etudes Romand, Education Numérique).

Adapted to new students entering in year 8, an intensive program in the school's three languages (French, German, English) aims to integrate them into a bilingual stream after two years of immersion learning.

year 8 at the Moser School

Multilingual education

The emphasis on multilingualism and creativity highlights the child's intellectual and artistic resources, through two main pedagogical axes inspired by Deeper Learning: transversality and projects.

Numerous activities bringing together discovery and prevention help instil a sound grasp of digital tools and the implementation of effective learning strategies that stimulate independence, autonomy and group work. 

This stream leads to:

distribution of
teaching languages


Les chiffres indiquent le nombre de périodes hebdomadaires de 45 minutes.

year 8 

In German
  • German :7
  • Discovering the World (Geography/ Biology) : 3
In French
  • French : 6
  • Philosophy : 1
  • History : 2
  • Computer Science : 1
  • Drawing : 1
  • Sport : 2
  • Music : 1
  • Classroom Exchange Time (TEC) : 1
In English
  • English : 4
  • Mathematics : 6