L’Ecole Moser was named:
Best European International School
By 'The Education View'
On the cover of the latest issue of the American magazine “The Education View”, which is devoted to European schools, the Moser School was named "Best European School Offering Inclusive Education in 2023".
The editorial highlights the outstanding aspects of our educational model : a child-centered, caring pedagogy; a tradition of innovation continually adapting to contemporary realities; attention to academic and human development; openness to the world through multilingual studies and a range of digital, cultural, athletic, and environmental activities.
Read the passionate article here: https://theeducationview.com/moser-school-facilitating-pathway-to-success/
“The Education View” is a leading magazine dedicated to presenting the latest in education in the modern age. Its aim is to provide educators, readers and education enthusiasts with valuable information, innovative ideas and inspiring stories that are transforming the global education landscape.